I would suggest trying to control in September-October since we had a later flight this year. Yes, June bugs are edible and you can eat them. The sky is bright blue and decorated with scattered clouds. The following menu has 2 levels. This year I discovered my first fig beetle grub, or larva. These insects are edible as larva as well as adults. Theyre also often confused with June bugs and other beetles because theyre very similar in appearance. The main reason is that you have two things in your yard: Both of these are reasons why fig beetles may be attracted to your yard. Seasons active. It only takes about 2 weeks until those little buggers hatch, work their way to the surface and commence munching on your lawn. Every night the June bugs head for the lights (such as porch lights), including the light inside the house. It would appear that these insects invade during this time of high activity and then die immediately afterward, making it seem as if they never existed. The green June beetle is a large beetle (3/4 inch to 1 inch-long) related to the infamous June beetle or Junebug-the larval form of which is the white grub pest of lawns. With the beginning of summer, different types of bugs and beetles appear all around us. The sun shines with that lazy-afternoon-golden-California glow and the grass tickles my toes. What are these heavy-duty, buzzing creatures zooming across my lawn on a hot mid-summer day? Beetles have been around 230 million years. By the time we are done, you will be able to accurately identify a Japanese Beetle from a June bug and even see some of their other not-too-obvious similarities. The only way to reliably tell a species of an insect by its name is to look at its scientific (Latin) version. Without them, life, as we know it surely, would not exist. Eggs are laid, and hatch in June to early July. What we see over the next weeks crashing about putting our pets into a tizzy and possibly some of our pets owners as well are the adult June Beetles. They do not sting, bite or carry diseases that could affect human beings. They also have small, but highly visible, little white tufts of hair on . After all, the two species belong to the same family. Really clumsy. Japanese beetles are active during the day, therefore they are diurnal creatures. Browse 1,324 june bug stock photos and images available, or search for beetle or dragonfly to find more great stock photos and pictures. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. They have maroon-brown wings and have ventral hair. Fig beetle vs. Japanese beetles vs. June bugs. They have an inner wisdom that connects them to other worlds, and this shows in everything they do. You should note that May beetles are more deadly to crops at their larva stage (called white grub) than at their adult stage because at the adult stage they generally do not eat enough to pose serious damage to plants, trees, and vegetation. June Bug vs Japanese Beetle: What are the Differences. beneath the surface of the soil in late summer. Remove any excess plant clippings. beetle. Natural History Museums of Los Angeles County. june bug image by Tammy Mobley from Fotolia.com. Basically, you want to remove anything the beetles are eating as much as you can. Whether adults or grubs, Japanese beetles are major pests that cause severe damage to crops. You can make a DIY trap at home to catch fig beetles for cheap. Pupation occurs from May through June. A fig beetle is a type of scarab beetle found in Africa and Asia. A bird sings sweetly and the whole scene is so idyllic it is clich. The size of the beetle can range from one-half to 1-inch long. Fig 1: Close-up of adult green June beetle. Additionally, June bugs are nocturnal, while Japanese beetles are diurnal. June bugs are completely harmless to the human race. Milky disease is type of bacteria that kills the white grub of the Japanese beetle. Did you get rid of the fig beetle problem? The scientific title of June bugs or Could beetles is Phyllophaga sp. Guilford County, North Carolina, USA July 10, 2019 Size: ~ 1.9 cm in length . They prefer eating fruit. Diet of adults. On warm days of late winter and spring, the thumb-sized grubs burrow to the surface where they feed on grass roots and thatch. Also, it makes strange hissing noises when handled. It is at this grub stage that the June Beetle is not a gardeners pal. Figeater beetles feed together as they eat and look for mates near breeding areas. Smithsonian. You may want to screen compost to remove the larvae. Like other scarab beetles, June bugs are oval-shaped, with six stout legs and fat antennae. The June bug is nocturnal and attracted to bright lights. Era un escarabajo (al m. This weekend's program will feature the june bug, of course, also known as the green fruit beetle and the fig . Currently, we are at a point in the cycle where the females are laying eggs (10-30 per female). The adult June bug is native and larger, and the color varies in metallic hues from golden brown to emerald green, with light elytral edges. Theyre not picky and will consume whatever is available to them. Speak to pest control companies to get the best insecticides that can deal with the unique situation in your garden, farm, or home. I called pest control who said they had no way to eradicate them. June bugs come out at night to feed on the foliage of trees and shrubs. Even though both insects are of the same family, there is only one species of the Japanese beetle that gardeners and farmers have to deal with. People with the Scarab Beetle totem have a secure connection with the sun. Your email address will not be published. On the other hand, the Ten-lined June beetle is native to the West coast. Fig Beetle Grub. The content on this site is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as professional advice, or to replace a relationship with a qualified professional. Adults are clad in metallic dark green, with a tan-colored band on top and iridescent green legs and undersides. SCIENTIFIC NAME: Continis texana. Dont use soils with high manure content. Leaving it on the branch will just give them something to eat. 1) is an invasive species first detected in America in 1916 in New Jersey after an accidental introduction. Like their name suggests, they will certainly eat figs, but they also love many other types of fruit (below you see them eating grapes in the NHMLA Nature Gardens and the photo directly above shows them eating their namesake fruit in the NHMLA Edible Garden) and even nectar from flowers (photo at top of the blog post). Even if you cant do all of these, do the ones that you can. Dear Kelvin, If you maintain piles of mulch, compost, or manure, turn the piles often. Its during this period that mates are chosen, and mating occurs. I have seen a number of these beetles on one tree in our yard. Many people dont mind their presence in the garden, but due to their clumsy air-raid flight habits and loud buzzing, they may wear out their welcome in a hurry. Japanese beetles are probably only 1/3 to as big as the green June beetle. However, the color may vary among individuals and commonly has bronze overtones on the sides. Some chemicals can be harmful to other living organisms and plants as well. The easiest method is to use repellents to keep them away from your figs in the first place. Katarina Samurovic is an environmental analyst by education and a freelance scientific writer by choice and passion. No, theyre not poisonous to humans. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In general, June bugs are: Active at Night - June bugs are generally nocturnal. Green June beetle grubs are large and are edible. Your email address will not be published. They live as adults buried in the soil. These grubs will overwinter in the soil. The eggs hatch in about two weeks and survive by eating organic matter in the soil until winter. This is a great way to curb the infestation before it even begins. They also possess white hair on their sides. fig beetle, green peach beetle and green fruit beetle) Scientific Name: Cotinis mutabilis Order and Family: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae Size and Appearance: Figeater beetles are sometimes confused with the June beetle, Cotinis nitida, or the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica. The Japanese beetle is a species of scarab hailing from Japan. They are nocturnal and are attracted to lights at night. This group includes manybeautiful jeweled beetles, as well as the sacred beetles of ancient Egypt (AKA dung beetles: informative, but rather silly video on the dung beetlehere). Green June beetles are native insects occuring from Florida to the midwest and as far north as Connecticut. Getting rid of the Japanese beetles is not hard. The head and the thorax are greenish, and most of the elytra is bronze. The protection factor may be better than many of their insect kin. Adults june bugs feed on soft-skinned fruit, tomatoes, and even corn during the milk stage. They go to porch lights because they mistake the bright light for the moon or stars and orient to the light until they collide with it. But, if our farmers miss this application and the June bugs populations are high, they can lose a lot of valuable food for the livestock. The fig beetles are a friendly bunch, and a helpful addition to our urban ecosystem. Adult development usually requires 16 to 18 days. Have some feedback for us? It begins when adult June bugs lay 75 to 100 eggs underground in early to midsummer. There are 6 legs in total. Fig beetles lay their eggs beneath the soil, about 6 inches. They are very fond of peaches. Remember that you must consult a specialist before using any of the products or advice on the web. On the other hand, the Japanese beetle is sometimes mislabeled as a "June bug" based on similar looks and the same . On the other hand, the grubs feed on the roots of different types of plants. Regarding your question about damaging the tree, we would say that the beetle is not causing damage, but is benefiting from damage potentially caused by some wood boring insects. Peak flights for this beetle are in June, the reason we call the beetle June bug. Fig beetles can make your dog vomit, get a stomachache, or drool nonstop. With that in mind, you could say that C. nitida is the June bug of the east, while P. decemlineata, along with the Figeater beetle (Cotinis mutabilis), are the June bugs of the west. However, it would seem June Beetles are considerably lower in the scale of value. Currently an active researcher in the pest control industry for the past 8 years- with a focus on using natural and organic methods to eliminate pest problems. The rear underside of the bug is lighter tan or orangish in coloration. Female June bugs produce about 50-200 eggs underground during mid-summer. The June bug is an arthropod insect; it belongs to the order of beetles, the family of platinfreet; the genus of May beetles. The next stage is the larva stage and then the pupa stage before they emerge from the ground as adults. Feel free to leave those you handpick or catch in traps out to repel others. As visually striking as these large beetles are, it is the fact that they are literally striking folks around L.A. that has our attention. Get a container with a few drops of dish detergent mixed with water. G r e e n J u n e B e e t l e. Tell a friend who may also have a fig tree. When they morph, the best way to get rid of them is to use the steps outlined above. The females tend to have much smaller flight wings than the males. COMMON NAME: Green June Beetle, Fig Beetle, Green Fruit Beetle, Peach Beetle. June bugs typically emerge in the early spring all around the United States. However, it feels good to finally know the exact difference, right? A prominent example is the American pelecinid wasp. They are indeed nuisance and pests to farmers because they can cause great damage to crops and plants. Fig beetles are also called figeater beetles or green fruit beetles, and are found throughout summer in the southwest (when the adults emerge from the larval stage). The Japanese beetle is metallic green with bronze wing covers. The juice is placed in a container with a wire . To minimize the attraction, harvest figs early and often and do not allow fallen fruit to remain near trees. In this area, the beetle will have segments, or pieces, on its shell called sternites. This is because the adult June bug doesnt eat enough of a tree, plant, or flower to cause massive destruction. They have little choice but to make crash landings. Begin by mincing four cloves of garlic and marinating it overnight in a tablespoon of mineral oil. On the other hand, June bugs are mostly nocturnal insects, which means that they are most active at night. You can make one by getting a milk jug or large jar, then adding a cup of molasses, a half cup of hot water, and then shaking the mixture. However, some of these evolutionary designs overlap. They are scientifically known as Phyllophaga spp ., a member of the Scarabaeidae family, and . Using all of them in combination can be an effective measure to get rid of and control future beetles from your yard. This beetle was twice the size of the Japenese beetles that were also present. That's, like, older than the . . Since theyre attracted to overripe or fermenting fruit, you cant really do much unless you get rid of the fruits in the first place. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. . Beetle Ten-Lined June Beetle. So then I created this site to share everything Ive learned over the years (and continuing to learn)- natural solutions that are proven to work against the bug thats bugging you! The larvae will then pupate into adult green figeater beetles, which continue to feed and grow. Also, green June beetles are green to copperish green in color and more pointed toward the anterior (head) end. Prior to pupation, the third-instar larva forms a protective case composed of soil particles bound together by a sticky secretion. The fig beetles will fly to the funnel because theyre attracted to the scent of the bait. June bugs are one of nearly 300 species of Phyllophaga -a very bugs die after becoming exposed to light for too long. Why do we see them for a few hours each night only? They are annoying like flies as they buzz around one's head and face. As we see them at the moment, the June Beetles are just as they were all winter. In most cases, these are. I cant remove it!. While the beetle may not be clean, beetles do tend to be quite dirty. This is actually a very effective management strategy. beneath the surface of the soil in late summer. There are several natural predators to Japanese beetles. It has been introduced in Europe and the US. Getting rid of June bugs is easy and can be done with or without chemicals. They have hard covers on their wings that dont reach the end of their abdomen. Share it with your fig group. They occasionally form swarms of great size and buzz loudly. Visitors to the Museum often point straight to the fig beetle in our drawer of local insects from the BioSCAN Project and recount horrifying tales of being attacked by these giant beetles. Orchardists sometimes soak overripe fruit with pesticides. They hang out during the day in places with plenty of shade (trees and bushes). We catch a green june beetle around a garden on her way in to lay eggs. Always turn your mulch constantly to expose small grubs. Scarab Beetle Totem. Females typically lay between 50 and 200 eggs, which take from two and a half to four weeks to hatch. By Greg McGuire. This is especially true for fruits. As the name implies, the Japanese beetles are natives of Japan. But If you just notice them eating your fig trees once in a while, this method works. From top level menus, use escape to exit the menu. You can get rid of June bugs using BT, scientifically known as Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki. JUNE BUG FACTS & HABITS. WATCH: Sharks biting alligators, the most epic lion battles, and MUCH more. Use left and right arrow keys to navigate between menus. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Within a submenu, use escape to move to top level menu parent. June bugs are nocturnal insects that are most active during the night. It's the adult fig beetles that just love the ripe fruit. The Emerald Euphoria is able to fly using just the second pair of wings, which is quite a feat considering its size. The GJB's range extends from New York (and sometimes even farther north) west to Kansas, just nicking the edge of . These periods usually start in May and June, therefore explaining the names given to the insects. Dispose of the beetles safely. Buginfo. a large genus of New World scarab beetles. These beetles prefer sandy soils; we have plenty of this in Effingham, making it easier to tunnel. Swarms of these insects appeared after a heavy rain. The June bug is an insect but not a true bug it is a beetle. The adult beetles can feed on fruits such as apples, peaches, and figs. These red-brown beetles commonly appear in the Northern Hemisphere during warm spring evenings and are attracted to lights. The May beetle is filled with 7 to 18% of fat and about 50% percent of protein, making them rich meals for many predators. The good thing is if we miss an application for these insects, our turfgrass will probably survive. Afterward, you can dispose of them safely by pouring the entire trap into a solution of rubbing alcohol or dish detergent and water. However, June Beetles are undoubtedly here to stay. Managing Green Fruit Beetles Backyard Gardener, UC Management Guidelines for Fig Beetle on Fig Beetles UCANR, How to get rid figeater beetles naturally, Ways to stop them from eating your figs and keep them away. Alternatively, the bugs natural predators, including lizards, snakes, and frogs, can help control the presence of June bugs. Unlike the East Coast beetles they are commonly mistaken for (green june beetles, Cotinis nitida, and Japanese beetles, Popillia japonica), fig beetles are not generally destructive as larvae (East Coast lookalikes can damage lawns). They are very fond of peaches. While the grubs feed on roots, the adults feast on a wide variety of over 300 crops and flowers. Adult figeater beetles lay their eggs 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm.) You can harvest them from the ground at larva stage or you can catch them when they get attracted to lights in your home. Depending on the species, the life cycle of a June bug from egg to grub to pupa to adult can take one to three years. From this point, the eggs in the soil will grow to become grubs. They cant escape because they dont know how to get out of the trap. Their burrows and mounds of pulverized soil can cause an unsightly appearance in turf. June bugs, sometimes called May beetles, are a type of beetle that are common across North America. These little metallic jewels are an exciting sight to behold, no matter their species.