Something you may wish to mention is that the best logs to compare with are ones of similar encounter duration. This excludes overheal but still includes absorbed healing (e.g., Malkorok or Tortos). marker - Number - A number representing the raid marker set on this actor. If that changes, then this document will be updated This document will explain in detail how pins work, what they can be used for, and provide many examples to help you unlock the full potential of pins. Or there is a distinct possibility they are undergeared compared to the rest of the group [especially if said group has a piece or two of savage gear already.]. If omitted, FROM will be the beginning of the fight. nDPS stands for "neutral DPS", and it is measuring damage you did with the damage you gained from external buffs removed. encounterBossHealthPercentage - Number - The percentage health of the boss at the end of the pull. If the parse is new you just have to wait. Underneath the query bar is a graph that shows the results of the query specified in the query bar: Below the graph in Analytical View is a table that also matches the results of the query bar. Guilds and teams can also be ranked on metrics such as fight speed and execution. Cause I will be honest, the level of work you seem to need to do to get that high seems bonkers to me. This leaves us with eight possible numbers that can be shown for a score: (ranking vs parse) * (historical vs today) * (all brackets vs specific bracket). stoppedAbility - Ability - For steals, breaks and dispels, represents the spell that was dispelled. What is used for brackets varies by game. If only one type is selected, then additional options will be shown that let you refine your query even further for that event type. You can always hit Enter in the textfield without selecting a result, in which case a name match will be For NPCs this matches the ID you see on Now I know and will check out fflogs. The score can be evaluated only within its bracket, or it can be evaluated against all brackets. Because the latter is so overwhelmingly large for some games, a typical comparison against parses limits to a two week range. You can also enter a spell ID or enemy ID in the textfields. This is 1 for players. If you want to pair on the source of the FROM and the target of the TO, that's allowed by adding an optional AND to specify something different for the TO. id - Number - The ID of the ability. As you can see, each option has a textfield to type in a name or ID, and an arrow with a dropdown menu that you can use if you just want to pick an actor or ability the same way that you pick one from the main query bar. The first step in constructing our filtering pin is to make a Damage To Enemies filter that includes only Direct damage and that Note that some direct damage doesn't give Nazgrim rage, but you can eyeball that accordingly (e.g., cloak procs and trinket procs like Multistrike). and then get upset that the system did not record them as a historical rank 1. Record your combats, upload them to the site and analyze them in real time. The advantage of looking at historical rankings is that you can see how a player performed around the time When only Damage is checked, the following additional options are shown: Damage events in World of Warcraft are either for direct damage or periodic (i.e., DoT) damage. You can hit the Copy Pin button at any time to get a copy of the pin before committing it. resources - Resources - Returns a resources object that can be used to obtain information like Hit Points, Spell Power, map positions, etc. Every DoT's damage can be divided into four portions, based off the probability that the DoT was going to crit or direct hit. When a heal lands, it will either be a normal heal or a critical heal. To focus on one or the other, you can use the checkboxes for Normal and Critical. For example. In other words, a rank will always be considered invalid if CASE WHEN "Foo" THEN a WHEN "Goo" THEN b ELSE c END. In other words, for do this after the pin has been created. The DoT's crit portion, Pc is defined as: PC = ((Cb * ND * Mc) + (log Mc / log Mdc) * (Cb * Db * Mdc)) * N' / T. The DoT's direct hit portion, Pd is defined as: Pd = ((Db * NC * 1.25) + (log 1.25/ log Mdc) * (Cb * Db * Mdc)) * N' / T. With Pc and Pd computed, we can then divide up the crit and direct hit portions among the external buffs. The UI for picking sources, targets and abilities is shown below: The Actors list allows you to specify players/NPCs that can be either the source or the target of an event. If I see someone with hidden logs I do think it is a little sketchy. So for example at the When you add pins using this technique, the pin query will match For more information, please see our you just have to wait. A bunch of really smart people made this third party tool to dissect your FFLogs and show you areas where you can improve on. Youre right about the color order, if youre blue and theyre green and your dps numbers are higher on the same class it just means your damage is better than theirs in whatever runs youve been parsed in. What are people referring to?? an autocomplete popup will appear that allows you to pick and commit the result. Queries connected using AND They are the pillars and foundation upon which fflogs is built on. The events matched by :). Let Cu be the player's unbuffed crit chance / 100, and let Cb be the player's buffed crit chance / 100. For example, if you are a Monk, your nDPS would subtract out damage you gained from external buffs like Trick Attack you can check to see if a hit was taken without Weakened Blows up. The following categories are supported (and more or less match By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. But you personally cannot upload a log. It will only badge Privacy Policy. Finally for games that support brackets, the score can be evaluated only within its bracket or it can be evaluated against For example: A in ("Immerseus", "Congealed Sha", "Sha Puddle"). Once you have chosen the event types that you're interested in, you can pick which sources, targets and abilities you care about. The reason of hidden are several. event will be matched if any of the sources match. the logging itself bugged out somehow. In the Paragons of the Klaaxi kill below, the first death was due to Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. + sign on the row for Kihrawr will create a new pin that represents the query Damage Done By Kihrawr to Garrosh Hellscream. Every expression is evaluated on all of the events within the specified time range. You can build a pin by creating a new query, by writing a new Possible values are tank, melee, ranged and healer. Partitions are essentially a split in rankings. A badge pin is used to badge matches without adding any new results to the view. With 1.3 billion people . This straightforward guide covers the essentials of using FFLogs, from comparing. The rank will simply be flagged. Ranks will be flagged when players use in-game exploits that include any buffs that should not be The goal is to then compute a crit damage portion and a direct hit damage portion for N'. existing results. These scores are relative to the parses both above and below your score. had not been considered, etc. I didn't want to bring it up in voice chat and seem like I was calling them out or anything, but I was really confused by what they said. When showing a pin involving aura presence, we no longer see a range on the graph. This document will explain in detail how pins work, what they can be used for, and provide many examples to help you unlock the full potential of pins. This is a very complicated pin to construct, so we'll show it in steps. We are a discord community that's focused on general gameplay optimization whether it's around strategy setting or job planning in FFXIV. You might start with the following query: You could create a pin to see if Kaetzchen used his Survival Instincts cooldown at all. missType - String - For a miss, indicates what happened. The FFlogs rank is calculated on base the highest ranking in that moment. aDPS Example: Suppose Bob hits the Big Bad for 121 points of damage, and he had two 10% damage buffs provided by Mary and Alice. For older parses, you can re-export the report and then wait to get them fixed up. encounterDuration - Number - How long the encounter lasted in milliseconds. This (cont) 5. Next we can create a new query connected via a logical AND. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. On character pages, All Star points earned are shown for each boss, and the absolute rank position is shown next to the My one friend parses really well in everything, currently orange overall in the edens verse stuff, but shes never done a savage raid in her life and Ive done more extremes than her but Im still blue-purple in those same eden raids (granted Im a tank and shes a dps so different classes). created instead. FFLogs for Dummies / FFLogs Guide (FFXIV) - Guilded Better chat, happier communities Guilded upgrades your group chat and equips your server with integrated event calendars, forums, and more - 100% free. Again, we use logical AND to add a third query to this pin, namely that Sundering Blow be absent on the source. Survival Instincts was present on Kaetzchen. timestamp - Number - The timestamp of the event in milliseconds relative to the start of the fight. These Zurvan Ex requirements are getting stricter Venn diagram I made to help people understand why I keep YoshiP: You wouldnt want to see someone carrying an axe "Did I not tell you to wear a warm outfit", Press J to jump to the feed. Blacklisting a report removes 10-man vs. 25-man, etc. It looks something like this (old screen shot, numbers are now colored): The "Pct" column is your real time percentiles. If a player is mind controlled, he becomes an enemy according to this field. Pins allow you to modify the original query in a variety of ways. The first part is the condition I've got ACT for parsing, but none of the colors are grey. 455. max(100 (your dps / rank 1 dps), rank percentile) + 20 (your dps / rank 1 dps). The results now show us a pin color badge that indicates which Annihilates were eaten with a cooldown up. Within a specific field, e.g., Sources, multiple entries are connected by a logical OR. inCategory - String -> Boolean - The inCategory function can be used to take advantage of WCL's smart categorization. As you can see, there are two Living Bomb abilities that do damage. I thought the colours from worst to best were Grey, Green, Blue, Purple, then Orange. The remaining checkboxes are for all the various event types that can match. A special Environment actor is returned if no target exists. There are three mob types in WCL: player, NPC and pet. I just wish for those of us on console who have to rely on parses randomly put up by strangers we could selectively hide any outlier parses that don't represent our typical performance. Let's look first at picking an item from the menu. There's is so much information you can get from the website so I tried to cull it down to the necessities for the average joe. Just paste a link to a log and it will spit out a summary of your performance. For older parses, you can re-export the report and then wait to get them fixed up. If you ever see a discrepancy between two numbers on the site, it is usually because the view you're looking at is a different number out of these possible numbers. FFLogs Job Colours Raw fflogs-colours.yaml This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. I hide my logs because I have never uploaded a log: all of the dozens of logs in which I appear were uploaded by PuG strangers, often under their FC tag making it falsely appear as if I'm associated with their FC apart from a single random PuG run. (4) GROUP BY is how you link the FROM and TO together. You can use these colors to quickly scan a player or guild's rankings to see how they did. The formulas used to determine all star points on a specific boss vary both by game and by metric. Obviously, that would overkill, so for the standard ps4 player: No, get a PC or have friends/randoms upload parses. 100% is tan, 99+ is pink, 95+ is orange, etc. Implying grey isn't the natural state and everything else is a result of padding. In order Then there is damn good parses, The 95th-99th percentile, an orange parse. This excludes absorbs and overkill, and it represents how much damage the actor actually took. The formulas used to determine a player's all star points on a specific boss vary both by game and by metric. %ile is the most important when comparing your worth as a DPS against another player (e.g., when deciding who gets certain buffs) alongside actual DPS. This will show us who gained Pride by dispelling: Applying the pin now filters the set of dispels to a smaller amount, only those done by players who did not have Gift of the Titans. In terms of the query being constructed, the Actors, Sources, Targets and Abilities fields are connected by a logical AND. The data used should be fairly accurate +/- 1% (give or take) of the Historical Percentile if you use the latest data. We both have purple DPS(with my number being higher) and my Best% is blue to their green, even though my melds aren't as optimized as theirs. Africa is the second largest continent after eurasia. An entire guild would be banned from the site Since Alice's buff is an AOE buff, Bob is given back that. name - String - The name of the actor. Notice that when you pick a Summary pin type, you get a few additional options. It also doesn't include your buff contributions, so this metric allows you to evaluate how well players are aligning their damage bursts with external AOE buffs. Let's start A dialog will come up with a textfield in which the entire pin string is selected. stack - Number - The stack count for buff and debuff stack events. High end content is also about learning mechanics and strategies, and thatll be what their extra experience might give them over you: knowledge of that content. In addition, some bosses are removed from all stars if the ranking statistic can be exploited arbitrarily or if logging on the boss is broken in some way. If you ever have a rank missing for your All Star score, it simply means you're not in the table yet. interested in misses, then you can deselect that checkbox. Language Savage Ultimates Raids Sign Up Log In Abyssos Raid Zone Race Summary Progress All Reports Rankings Statistics +Damage Speed Static Execution Static Kill % Static DPS Static HPS Static Speed Character Damage Character Healing Character Deaths Character Damage To Bosses Character Dubalicious died to Fire physical damage, so we can add a Badge pin to find out if that damage was taken without Weakened Blows being present on the boss. A AND B means that both A and B must be true. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. really bad player that should consider uninstalling the game if they keep getting grays. Ranks are always frozen when an expansion that raises a level cap arrives. Secondly, the best order to check things in. grey people arent bad, its ok to be grey, enjoy being reported and blacklisted you cyber bully >:(. I have been using FFLogs for quite some time and have learned a lot of different ways to get some really useful information out of it such as openers, rotations, where I can improve, and where my group can improve. A rank will always be considered invalid if any lingering bonuses from gear, talents or specs are used by a player once in combat. Go to Limsa and find people with mentor crown spamming dance emotes. absorbedHealer - Actor - Will match heal absorbed events if the healer whose heal was absorbed is this actor. A summary pin displays matching results as a total in the Summary pane. all of the ranks for that report. If a code fix is possible, then I put it in place and go back and try to find the old logs that have the exploit and flag them with a buff or debuff. notation. The total multiplier, T, for the DoT damage is defined as follows: T = (NC * ND) + (Cb * ND * Mc) + (NC * Db * 1.25) + (Cb * Db * Mdc). For a given buff, ei with a multiplier of mi, the amount of damage given to the player, gi, who applied this buff is: The reason log-weighted normalization is used is that the results end up being very close to an additive normalization (e.g., .1 / (.1 + .1) in the above example), but the use of log provides